How would your life be different if you recognized truly how brief it was?
Living and leaving a Godly legacy: are you living a life that will outlive you? What would generations to come say about you based on the way you're living your life today?
Some of the things you pray for may not be fulfilled in your life, but may be fulfilled with your kids
You have words of wisdom you need to pass down and share
If your kids were asked if they felt you were proud of them, how would they answer? God even said that he was well pleased with his Son
Do not let any good thought go unspoken
"The meeting:" when someone passes away, there is usually meeting with a Pastor. He might ask what you would say about the person who just passed.
Is it a horribly wonderful meeting? There is loss, tears, brokeness, laughter, hugs and a peace that is coming over the family
Is it a horrible meeting? When asked about the person, their family doesn't know what to say....well, they liked spicy food
If church is optional for your kids, don't be surprised when a relationship with Christ is optional for them, too
Say the words God wants us to say.
Have you told your family you love them? Don't wait- tell them now!
Do the things God wants us to do.
Live the way God wants us to live.
Are you living by convictions of God or by your own preference?
Conviction: belief on the inside that always shows up on the outside
Preference: strong desire that you will compromise when the cost becomes too high
If your last day on earth was at the end of this month, what would you do with the time you have left?
Talk to your family and friends: "above all else, I want you to know:_________________"
Today's scriptures:
Psalm 39:4-5
Proverbs 4:20-24
Acts 20:24
James 1:22
1 John 2:17
2 Timothy 4:6-8
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